Disciple making, empowering churches, non-profit organizations, schools, and work to help bring wholistic development to communities.
Emissaries Mission together with Community Health Evangelism work collaboratively to bring wholistic cross-cultural outreach and mission programs to people and create the awareness of Jesus and His mission. And to disciple people and bring empowerment and development to communities.
We do our mission by building relationships with churches and non-profits. We build relationship with non-profits to bring to them the awareness of Christ’s mission and empower churches to set up outreach and mission teams to reach out cross-culturally for discipleship, empowerment and development. Alongside the churches, Emissaries Mission and their partner, Community Health Evangelism will help train these teams and help lead them into wholistic cross-cultural missions. In this way, churches and non-profits are reaching out to the unreached, empowering people and working to bring development to communities. The outreach and mission training workshops are done through several hours of trainings to equip God’s people for Christian missions and send them out into nations for church planting (soul winning) for Christ.
Emissaries Mission believe that Jesus’s mission to us is a collaborative effort. That is why we partner with other mission agencies, churches, and missionaries to work together to disciple people, empowering them and work to bring development to communities.
Our goal is disciple making, wholistic empowerment and development
Emissaries Mission is a ministry empowered by Community Health Evangelism (CHE) through the power of the Holy Spirit to go out and make disciples, empowering people and work to bring community development.