1.     The Bible.

We believe that the Bible is containing the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments inspired by God in its whole. The author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit, and the Bible is the incorruptible Word of God and is without error in the original inscriptions. The Bible is complete and is the final written revelation from God (2nd Peter 1:20-21, 2nd Timothy 3:15-17).

2.     God the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

We believe that there is only one immortal and eternal God who is in heaven, and manifests Himself in three equal Persons; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, Deuteronomy 6:4, John 10:29-30 and Matthew 6:9). We believe that Jesus Christ is God who came to earth in human flesh through virgin birth totally without sin (Matthew 1:18-23, Luke 1:26-35, Isaiah 7:14, Hebrew 4:14-15, Hebrews 7:26-28, John 14:11). We believe that Jesus Christ is God and man (John 1:14, John 20:28). He is the creator of everything through the power of His spoken word, and He existed before everything (John 8:56-59; John 1:1-18, Hebrews 11:3, Genesis 1:1). Jesus Christ is the Messiah (John 1:35-42).

3.     The Death, Resurrection, Ascension and the Return of Jesus Christ.

We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. His substitutionary death (Matthew 20:28, Isaiah 53:1-12, 1st John 4:9-10, Hebrews 2:14-18, Ephesians 1:7, Romans 5:8, Galatians 3:13-14, Romans 4:25, Philippians 2:6-11). We believe Jesus Christ was buried and resurrected physically on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven (1st Corinthians 15:1-22, John 19:40-42, Hebrews 2:9, John 2:19, Mark 16:19, Luke 24:39-43). We believe that Jesus Christ is seated on the right hand of the Father where He now intercedes for us (Mark 16:19, Acts 7:55-56, Romans 8:34 1st John 2:1, 1st Timothy 2:5). We believe that in Jesus Christ’s personal, visible body, He will return in His glory and power to judge the living and the dead (Acts 1:9-11, Revelation 20:11-15, Revelation 22:11-12). We believe in Jesus Christ’s second coming for His church. We believe that the great tribulation will come upon the whole earth and there will be new earth and new heaven (Revelation 21:1-27, 7:1-17, 8:1-13, 9:1-21, 1st Thessalonians 4:14-16), and Jesus will return with His saints and all His holy angels to the earth and He will set up His kingdom on earth, ruling and reigning forever and ever (Matthew 24:28-43, Revelation 19:11-13, Matthew 24:29-30).

4.     The Holy Spirit, Salvation, Baptism and the Church.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and is God Himself (Acts 5:3, John 14:26). We believe is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, empowering us to do the work of God and to live a godly life (Romans 8:13-14, 1st Corinthians 6:19-20, 1st Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians 5:15-21, Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 4:4-7). We believe that the Holy Spirit is responsible for the boldness that enables us to witness for the Lord (Acts 4:8-13, Ephesians 4:30).

We believe that all humanity is born spiritually separated from God because of sin (Genesis 3:23-24, Romans 3:9-12, 1st John 1:8-10). We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to be born again in spirit for salvation (1st Peter 1:23, John 3:1-6). We believe that all humanity is lost and born with a sinful nature and that man is justified and declared righteous by God through the righteousness of Jesus Christ through His sacrificial and atoning death on the cross to pay the penalty for sin, and His perfect obedience to the Father and the free gift given to all who believe in Him and is not earned through works alone (John 3:16-19, Romans 3:2-26, John 5:24, Titus 3:5, Romans 5:8-19, Romans 3:10, Ephesians 2:8-10, 1st Corinthians 1:30, 2nd Corinthians 5:21). We believe this saving work and perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ can only be received by grace and a personal faith in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ alone (Philippians 3:6-9, Romans 10:1-10, Jeremiah 23:6, Romans 4:1-3, Galatians 2:21, Ephesians 2:7-9). We believe that those who are saved will rise to eternal life and those that are not saved will be lost in eternal punishment in hell, literally (Luke 16:19-31, Matthew 13:47-50, Matthew 25:46, John 5:26-29, Mark 9:43-48, Revelation 21:6-8, Revelation 20:11-15, Revelation 22:3-5). We believe that the church is the body of the born-again believers in fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ and with fellow believers (Hebrews 10:24-25, 1st Corinthians 12:12-14, Ephesians 2:19-22). We believe in full-immersion water baptism of believers who are alive (John 4:1-2, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:37-38, Romans 6:3-11, Acts 1:4-5, John 1:29-33, Matthew 3:13-17). We believe in the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19-20, 1st Corinthians 11:23-26).

5. The Mission of Jesus Christ to the Church.

We believe in the mission of Jesus Christ which the Father has given to Him, and that Jesus gave His mission to the church to carry out, and this mission is the Christian movement. The mission to reconcile God’s people back to God through the power of the Holy Spirit (John 20:21-23, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 10:1-15, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15-18, Acts 13:1-4, Acts 14:1-28, Acts 2:1-41). We believe that God has called us as His Emissaries/ambassadors to the sinful world, and the church mission is about this great commission through Jesus Christ which is to fulfill His Father's will by living among the people for the purpose of salvation. He became one of us in flesh and shared in their troubles and in their oppression (Genesis 3:8-9, 2nd Corinthians 5:11-20).

6.     Miracles and the Gifts Jesus Gave to the Church.

We believe in the miracle of Jesus Christ and that miracles continue to happen today. We believe that Jesus Christ promised us that the Holy Spirit will be given to us and He fulfilled His promise. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, miracles are done to promote the mission that Jesus Christ gave to the church (John 14:16-17, Acts 1:8, John 2:11, Matthew 20:30-34, Acts 3:1-10, Acts 14:8-10, Mark 16:17-18, John 14:12-13). We believe that Jesus Christ gave five spiritual gifts (the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and the teachers) to the Church to do His work and build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).

7.     Mankind, Sexuality, and the Value of Human Life.

We believe that mankind was created in God’s image and likeness, and that God, in an unchangeable manner wonderfully created each person as male or female, and these two different persons in their opposite genders reflect the absolute aspect of the image and nature of God. The denial of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person, and the rejection of God’s image in us, is total rejection of God being the Creator. We believe through one man, sin came into the world (Genesis 1:26-28, James 3:8-9, Genesis 9:6, Genesis 5:1-2, Romans 5:12). We believe that the act of marriage between men and women of the same sex is not sacred and is contrary to the Word of God and is a sin before God. We believe in the sacredness of human life in all stages from conception to natural death. We believe that life is to be preserved without exception because God has His will and purpose for every human life even before conception (Ephesians 1:4, Psalms 139: 13-14, Jeremiah 1:5). We believe that any Christian organization and government institutions should not at any point institutionalized ungodly ends, including and promoting of any form of sexual sin and the killing of the innocent (John 10:10, Psalm 127:3, Psalm 82:3-4, Genesis 1:27, Exodus 20:13, Micah 6:7, Roman 1:21-27, Proverbs 6:16-19).

8.     Marriage and Family, the Church, the Government, and Society.

We believe that men and women were created by God in His own image and that marriage is a sacred covenantal union between a man and a woman and that marriage was instituted by God that a man, biologically as a whole and a woman, biologically as a whole, are joined together in a lifelong commitment to be faithful to each other. Such marriage is the only real and acceptable union for sexual intimacy (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:24, Romans 7:2, Genesis 2:20-25, Matthew 19:4-6, Hebrews 13:4, 1st Thessalonians 4:1-8). We believe that God established institutions within human society which are the governmental authorities, the church, and the family (Genesis 4:1-2, Romans 13:1-7). Each of these different institutions has its own authority and territorial boundaries that must be valued and respected, but God is sovereign over them all. The duty of the government is to preserve order in society, to ensure justice for citizens and residents, and to protect families and churches by providing them with the freedom and safety necessary to fulfill their God-given responsibilities. We believe that the governmental authorities are God’s ministers sent for the good of the land as long as they are aligned with God’s will and purpose (Proverb 8:15-16, Daniel 2:21, John 19:11, 1st Peter 2:13-16, Titus 3:1).

The duty of the church is to promote the welfare of the government and society through its moral and spiritual leadership, its worship and prayer to almighty God the Creator of heaven and earth (Matthew 5:13-16, 1st Timothy 2:1-5, 1st Peter 2:12-17, 2nd Chronicles 7:14, Titus 2:14-15, Hebrews 10:24, Ephesians 2:10, 1st Timothy. 6:17-18). And the duty of the government is to fear God and lead in accordance to God’s will and purpose for earth. We believe that families under God are central to God's plan for His children on earth. They are the fundamental building block of strong societies. Families under God’s authority is where we can find true love and learn how to love others as Jesus Christ loved us. Parents under God are responsible for the care and instruction of their biological and adopted children for this is the absolute right God has given to them. Parents may use their God given authority to delegate responsibility for specific areas of training and teaching without outside governmental influence of their parental choices. We believe that the government has the right to protect its youngest citizens from the destruction of parents who neglect their God given duties and will work with local government to assist in this necessary task as needed. However, at no point does specific parental failure withdraw the rights and privileges given to parents by God (Acts 4:19, Acts 5:28-29, Mark 7:7-9). We believe that the government does not create children, and should not destroy in policy, medically, and through modern day technology, in absolution. Parental responsibility is given by God and taught in the Bible, and this teaching must not be abolished (Ephesians 6:1-4, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 23:22, Genesis 18:19, Deuteronomy 5:16, Psalms 127:3-5, Proverbs 1:7-10, Joel 1:3, Colossians 3:20-21).

9.     Satan and His Demonic and Evil Spirit.

We believe that there are demons in the world and the real/literal devil, called Satan. We believe that Satan was thrown down to earth from heaven alongside the fallen angels, demons, and that evil spirits are now seeking to deceive the world, defeat the believers, and destroy the work of God. We believe that God’s power is sovereign over all and He has given His children the power to cast out demons. We believe that Satan and his demonic and evil spirit will be destroyed on the day of judgement (Job 1:6-12, Luke 22:31-32, Matthew 4:1-11, Genesis 3:1, Revelation 20:10, 1st John 4:4).

10.     Prophecy.

We believe in prophecy. We believe that the nation of Israel has a special place in God’s plan, and that all of the promises of God to Israel will be fulfilled both now and in the second coming of Jesus Christ (Genesis 12:3, Revelation 1:3, Ephesians 4:11). We believe that God promised us a special blessing to those who study prophecy. We believe that prophecy is essential to understanding the Word of God. The Word of God began with prophecy after the fall of mankind to promise the One that would come to free us (Genesis 3:15). We believe that God promised us the first coming of Jesus Christ here to come and reconcile God’s people back to God. We believe that prophecy is strong evidence that proves the reliability and truthfulness of the word of God (Isaiah 44:6-8, Isaiah 46:9-10, 1st Corinthians 14:1-33). We believe that prophecy provides comfort in the midst of sorrow and pain and reassures us that God is in control, and prophecy promotes evangelism (1st Thessalonians 4:17-18, Psalms 115:3, 2nd Corinthians 5:11). We believe that studying prophecy points us to Jesus Christ and provokes a sincere love and intimacy for Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:10). We believe that the Bible starts with prophecy and ends with prophecy of Jesus Christ’s second coming, and if we don't understand prophecy, we are not going to understand the Word of God (Revelation 22:20).